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Pimento Berry Oil

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Turnera Di




Pimento berry oil, derived from the Pimenta dioica plant, is a potent and aromatic essential oil with a range of uses. It boasts a warm and spicy fragrance, reminiscent of cloves and cinnamon. Rich in eugenol and other beneficial compounds, it offers numerous therapeutic benefits.

This oil is often employed in aromatherapy for its calming and stress-relieving properties. In skincare, it can help soothe minor irritations and promote healthy, glowing skin. Additionally, it’s utilized in the culinary world as a flavoring agent, especially in Caribbean and Latin American cuisines, where it adds a distinctive, spicy flavor to dishes.

Medicinal use: Pimento berry oil has medicinal applications due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s used to alleviate muscle and joint pain, reduce headaches, and relieve respiratory congestion when diluted and applied topically or inhaled through steam inhalation. It also aids digestion and can provide relief from indigestion and stomach discomfort.

Cosmetic use: In cosmetics, this Oil is valued for its warm, spicy aroma and soothing properties. It is often added to skincare formulations to help calm and rejuvenate the skin. The oil’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities make it beneficial for reducing skin irritations and promoting a healthy, radiant complexion.

Aromatherapy Application: Pimento Berry Oil is a prized essential oil in aromatherapy for its spicy and uplifting fragrance. When diffused, it can create a warm and comforting atmosphere, promoting relaxation and stress relief. Its aromatic properties make it an excellent choice for enhancing mental clarity, boosting mood, and fostering a sense of well-being during aromatherapy sessions.

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Additional information

Turnera Di


Product Details
  • Botanical name: Turnera Di
  • CAS No.: 8006-77-7
  • Botanical Source / Part of the Plant: Berries
  • Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
  • Odour / Organoleptic: sweet, spicy, clove, woody, cinnamon
  • Chemical constituents:
  • Crop Season:
  • Color /Appearance: yellow to brownish clear liquid
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