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Cypress Oil

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Cupressus sempervirens l.




Cypress oil is derived from the cypress tree and is renowned for its woody, fresh scent. It’s utilized in aromatherapy for its calming properties, aiding in stress reduction and emotional balance. In skincare, it promotes healthy skin and is known for its astringent and soothing qualities, making it beneficial for skincare products.

Medicinal use: It offers medicinal benefits such as relieving respiratory issues like coughs and congestion. Its astringent properties can aid in wound healing, and it’s used in holistic practices to support circulation, reduce varicose veins, and alleviate menstrual discomfort.

Cosmetic use: Cypress oil is valued in cosmetics for its astringent properties, making it a beneficial ingredient for toners and skincare products. It helps tighten and clarify the skin, reducing the appearance of pores and promoting a refreshed complexion. Its woody fragrance also enhances the appeal of various cosmetic formulations.

Aromatherapy Application: Its fresh, woody scent helps alleviate stress and anxiety, promotes emotional balance, and enhances mental clarity. Diffused or added to blends, it supports relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Interesting fact – Cypress trees, often associated with cypress oil, have a long lifespan, with some specimens living for over 1,000 years, adding to the oil’s historical significance.

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Additional information

Cupressus sempervirens l.


Product Details
  • Botanical name: Cupressus sempervirens l.
  • CAS No.: 84696-07-1
  • Botanical Source / Part of the Plant: Fresh leaves, stems and nuts
  • Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
  • Odour / Organoleptic: Cypress leaves
  • Chemical constituents:
  • Crop Season:
  • Color /Appearance: Orange to brown
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